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Renegade The Earldom of Valeni


“Before the War of the Gods, the frontiers and borders of Great Kingdoms and Empires of the World were ill defended against Bandits, Raiders and less civilized nomadic groups. Despite these threats, thousands of minor towns and villages thrived and the people were relatively free, compared to those deep within the Empires and Kingdoms. The people of these frontiers and borders also did things a little differently from places that were ruled with a firm hand.”


“The youngest Son of the Grand Duke of Vltava; Earl Valeni, fifth in line of succession to the Grand Duchy; travelled with his closest friends to one such region on the Southern shores of the Great Inland Sea to take and hold these lands in his Father's name on behalf of the Saamraajy Imperium. After a short campaign against the troublesome, semi-independent frontier Baronies, Earl Valeni persuaded them to accept him as their Earl."


“While the Emperor of Saamraajy was happy about expanding the borders of his Empire, little official notice resulted and, over time, the local people of Valeni enjoyed relative peace and little interference from outside, even though they were now part of the Saamraajy Empire. The three other Empires that surrounded Valeni were uninterested in contesting the region so that many people; seeking freedom from ridged structures in more populated Empire and subject Kingdoms; immigrated and were absorbed into the local communities; adding to the strangeness of cultural diversity that made the people of Valeni unique. Over many generations, each Earl of Valeni left the people to their own devices, accepted their tribute taxes and rarely sent officials into the interior. Local community meetings often decided issues amongst themselves and there was no need to trouble any ruler for minor things.”


“However, it was at this time that a large band of roving Brigands decided to take advantage of the lack of official military force and commenced a series of raids against the poorly defended towns, villages, hamlets and farms of Valeni, resulting in a general mobilization of the people who formed their own Militia and repelled the attacks. Yet once the raiders were driven off, the leaders of the Militia units realised that the lack of defences in their homes would encourage similar raids in the future and that measures needed to be taken to safeguard Valeni.”

“Unlike the Towns in the Empires and Kingdoms of the World of Ralsted, Valeni had never before needed to consider fortifications and there were no experts in Architecture and Engineering in Valeni who knew how to build such Defences. While the need was clear, no agreement could be found as to the particular style of Defences to be built as the people of Valeni were from all Four Empires and all four Empires had their own styles, advantages and disadvantages. Thus it was that; in a small and relatively insignificant regional meeting between the leaders of the Militia; that four separate official requests were sent from Valeni to the four Imperial Capitals, and the four Imperial Engineering Universities that existed at the time.”


“The Engineering Seduction of Valeni is considered one of the most interesting Bardic Stories, told throughout the world; who laugh at how things can get out of hand. Unknowingly in their request for Engineering assistance, the people of Valeni had tapped into the rivalry between the Four Empires surrounding Valeni resulting in the arrival of not one but all four rival Grand Master Engineers of these Empires who were determined to promote the construction of fortifications in their own unique style as a competition with their rivals.”


“Despite the willpower and determination of these Grand Master Engineers, the local people in each area determinedly choose what style of fortification they would build; regardless of what another town miles away had decided. The competition between the Grand Masters spared not even the lowliest Farmer who was convinced by one or another to build their farm in a particular way. Once the style of the fortification was decided on, the Grand Master Engineers wished to have their design build faster than their rivals. However, the people of Valeni were not interested in constructing these fortifications at the expense of their own freedom and happiness. They were content to spend years building them and kindly thanked the Grand Master Engineers for their designs.”


“However, the people of Valeni were not prepared for Grand Master Engineer’s response to the construction delays as each of them invited the High Priesthood representatives of their Empire to assist in the construction with the aid of Elemental Creatures reducing the efforts required by the local people to the point where they were not required to assist in any facet of construction; including quarrying the stone.”

“In short order, Valeni was covered in defensive fortifications and the result of the four way rivalry being that all four Imperial designs are represented in Valeni. Nobody knows which Grand Master Engineer won the design competition or which Imperial Priesthood constructed faster than another. The people of Valeni moved in. The Grand Masters and High Priests went home; and; over time; the local people have come to embrace the representative architecture of the four Empires that surround their region.”


 “The devastation of the War of the Gods resulted in the fall of many great Empires, Kingdoms and Earldoms; or the loss of their frontier and border territories as they strove to rebuild and maintain the interior. In many cases, these frontiers have remained uninhabited since the War of the Gods or; if there are people still living in these areas; they do so, semi-independent of their original Rulers out of self preservation and restoration of society as they rarely receive assistance from their overlords.”


“Yet, over the centuries since the War of the Gods, the Empires, Kingdoms and Earldoms have recovered, pushing outwards towards their former borders. All over the World of Ralsted, frontier Counties, Baronies and Provinces are contested as the original borders fluctuate and change hands. In many cases, enterprising Counts and Barons have been granted the authority to reclaim these lands in the name of their Empire; to restore past glory and prove themselves mighty rulers in their own right.”


“Despite the Saamraajy Empire’s historical claims to the region of Valeni since before the War of the Gods, the Earl of Valeni has encouraged isolation and semi independence; consolidating his own rule in a County size3 area in the centre of Valeni and leaving the remaining  provinces to become wild and fiercely independent places, populated by a strange mixture of people; of all nations; who live there. So long as they pay their taxes to the Earl; he leaves them alone; as he has done for centuries; or so the rumours go. Adding to this strangeness; for centuries the three rival Empires have sent undesirables to the region as banishment; perhaps hoping to destabilise the region as a prelude to annexation.”

“Yet despite this attitude and these suspected strategic goals, the local people and those who have been forced into exile over the centuries have intermarried and; despite any Imperial design on thoughts of reuniting with their former homelands; have become a fiercely independent people, living in isolated farms, Villages and Towns; often built or rebuilt on the ruins of the once thriving Earldom that existed before the destruction.”

“The Bloody Civil War ended this peace as outside powers to the region stimulated political rivalries and drove divisions between families, clans, religions and guilds to the point where all of Valeni became a tinder box. Local magnates who had chosen a side and had the power to influence their lands; used foreign mercenary troops to supress uprisings against the local people who had chosen opposing sides; or no side in the argument. Local people who supported these Magnates, their Foreign Mercenary Troops or their actions were known as quislings. In areas where there was a clear majority in support for one side or another; rival groups would operate in secret. These groups would commit politically motivated murder, ambush, traps and sabotage against these Magnates, Mercenaries and Quislings; resulting in many atrocities committed by Mercenaries against the local people in retaliation.

“As more and more foreign Mercenaries came to fight in Valeni; small, brutal clashes occurred with greater frequency throughout the region between rival bands as well as the local people who had chosen sides or were caught in the middle. The arrival of armies from the three closes Earldoms to the region forced the Earl of Valeni to send his own troops out. Despite the chaos of the Civil War and their differences of opinion, many of the conflicting local people considering the arrival of foreign troops to be an invasion and united against them; while others considered their arrival to that of saviors. As the Forces of the Three neighbouring rival Earldoms crossed into Valeni and marched on the capital, the Bloody Civil War of Valeni was poised to escalate and inevitably drag the four rival Kingdoms into the fight; followed by Imperial Forces if allowed to continue. Yet The night before the armies of the three neighbouring Earldoms battle were to meet outside the walls of the Valeni Capital; the War was over.”

“What is now known as “Bloody Blood Bath” was the result of a short lived agreement between four of the largest of the local Pro-Independence Underground Movements who; at the cost of many of their own lives; agreed to assassinate the majority of the quislings in Valeni on the same night regardless of the consequences; in order to prevent an even greater war. While some gave up their lives in these quisling assassinations, other individuals infiltrated the opposing Earldom Armies the night before the battle to capture sufficient prisoners of high standing from all four Empires to force a peace treaty of their own choosing.”

“These four Pro-Independence Underground Movements; despite their efforts; could not uncover the identities of the groups funding the unrest in Valeni; paying millions of Silver Pieces in bribes and to pay foreign mercenaries over many years. While they did know that the Bloody Civil War was had not originated from any of the four Imperial Thrones, there were so many other groups that would profit from a War between the Earldoms, Kingdoms and Empires surrounding the Earldom of Valeni; that they knew it was impossible to find out and expose them before it was too late. However, these four Pro-Independence Underground Movements did agree that ending the war was going to destroy their plans.”

“Acknowledging that Valeni could not be left in peace and could prevent outside intervention without governance the Pro-Independence Underground Movements forced a truce upon both the people of Valeni as well as the Earldom Armies representing the four Empires.

A treaty was written, stating … The people of Valeni agreed that; after the withdrawal of all foreign Mercenaries, Imperial, Kingdom & Earldom troops from Valeni; and with binding assurances protecting the individual rights of the people; that the four contesting Empires will be permitted to assign Lordship & Baronial representatives to the Provinces; to manage & improve these Provinces & accept the duty to protect & benefit the people of these Provinces. The people of Valeni agree that; after ten years of Custodian Rule; they will be free to decide whether to remain a part of the Saamraajy Empire, become part of another Empire or become an independent Nation.”

“Now, a year after the War; and as the last of the foreign troops withdraw the first Lord and Baron Custodial Representatives have arrived from all four Empires.”


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