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Renegade Code of Conduct -

Preventing Code of Conduct Violations

Renegade Theatre Company consider the Prevention of Code of Conduct violations to be the most important aspect of involvement in Renegade Campaign activities. While it is hoped that Players reading and understanding the Code of Conduct will prevent problems from occurring in the first place, if and when there are Code of Conduct Violations, it is also hoped that the Disciplinary Policy will resolve disputes to the satisfaction of the Renegade Community; and enable forgiveness and the restoration of trust between individuals.


For many participants, their first exposure to the Renegade Code of Conduct will be attending a Renegade Campaign Event. The Characters that have been supplied for use in the Renegade Theatre Company activities have intentionally been created with some conflicting personalities, goals and ambitions. Part of the challenge in the Renegade Campaign activity is for participants to be succeed despite In Character (IC) conflict that occurs while they are Problem solving and planning how to overcome Theatrical challenges. Often these IC conflicts can result in heated debate between Characters which; while counterproductive to completion of a Renegade Campaign Task; may provide good performances from a theatrical point of view. 

However, it is also possible that some Participants will take these IC conflicts too seriously; or that pre-existing real world OOC conflicts and difficulties in cooperation may exist between participants; or that there may be deficiencies in an individual's cooperative experiences. These complications can result in a heated IC debate turning into headed OOC argument and cross the line into a breach of the Renegade Theatre Company Code of Conduct.

Harassment Policy


Renegade Theatre Company is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone and will not tolerate Out Of Character (OOC) harassment of players in any form. Harassment includes OOC offensive verbal comments and actions related to:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Gender identity and expression

  • Sexual orientation

  • Disability

  • Physical appearance

  • Body size

  • Race

  • Religion

  • Sexual images in public spaces

  • Deliberate intimidation

  • Stalking

  • Harassing photography or recording

  • Inappropriate physical contact

  • Unwelcome sexual attention

  • Previous Disciplinary Actions Taken Against the Individual. 

In Character (IC) words or actions that reference the above OOC restrictions may require the use of the OOC Consent Protocol to ensure that participants and witnesses to the IC words and actions.


Renegade Code of Conduct -

I need some time out! I'm off with the ​“FAIRIES”  


IC, the World of Ralsted is infested with Fairies that cannot be seen. These Fairies will occasionally snatch Adventurers into their own dimension; known as the “Happy Place”; as that is all anyone remembers when they are released by the Fairies. The Fairies will keep their captive for as long as they want to before eventually releasing them; fully healed; at the edge of town, in the individual’s tent or even in another Province, Town, Village, Hamlet or Farm. IC Culturally, nobody talks about the "FAIRIES" as it is believed that they will cause mischief to those who do.

IC and OOC, Renegade events can be stressful and emotional and; as much as we all want to remain IC the entire time at the event; there are times where the game is no longer fun to play IC and we just want to go OOC and sort ourselves out. Whether it be due to real world problems intruding or if an individual cannot continue IC without additional stress, “FAIRIES” may be of use. 

OOC, any individual can call “FAIRIES” if they need to stop the game and disappear for personal reasons; with no IC consequences. However; OOC; the individual must advise somebody where they will be and they will need to consult with the Renegade Campaign Event Host prior to going IC again at an IC Location, determined by the Host. The “FAIRIES” mechanic is an important method of enabling Participants; who have had enough for the moment; to have some breathing space.

However, it is also important that that the “
FAIRIESmechanic is not abused as a way to simply avoid IC consequences for IC Actions and simply remove their Character from harm; nor that an individual’s ongoing, and sustained use of FAIRIESmechanic interferes with the enjoyment of other Players.

Finally, a five minute, FAIRIES” may be incorporated into field disciplinary punishment as a means of enabling a participant who has breached the Code of Conduct time to cool off prior to resuming the Renegade Activity. As prevention is better than a cure, Renegade Theatre Company recommend that if an individual finds themselves becoming angry OOC or has concerns that they will say or do something to breach the Renegade Code of Conduct, they should consider “FAIRIES” for a period of time.

OOC Consent Protocol

Renegade Team Building encourage the use of the following OOC Consent Protocol when there is doubt by either party in any In Character (IC) or OOC (Out of Character) Words or Action that Consent is Given. The OOC Consent Protocol can also be used as a request for OOC Consent; from one party to another; for reassurance of continued Consent. Consent; when given; can always be withdrawn or reduced. The following describes the OOC Consent Protocol.

GREEN” may be used as a request for OOC Consent before initiating an IC/OOC Action or to reassure another Player that their IC Action is acceptable; or


YELLOW” may be used may be used to reassure other individuals present that OOC Consent is given but that the IC/OOC Action should not escalate further.


RED” is used to Stop or Cease an IC/OOC Action immediately.


Once the ”RED” call is heard, “Time Out” should be called and repeated by other Players in area.

The individual who called ”RED” can:

  1. Call “FAIRIES!” if they want to immediately go OOC.
    (See Renegade Player's Handbook)
    * Many IC conflicts are resolved with Physical or Verbal conflict and a player cannot avoid IC consequences forever.

  2. Briefly discuss the IC/OOC Action that resulted in ”RED” call before resuming play by calling “Time In”; eg “Time in…10 Seconds!”

  3. Initiate Strike 1 Disciplinary Action if the IC Action has breached the Harassment Policy.

  4. Request the attendance of a third party Licensee to assess the situation further.

The below list is incomplete, but the following IC actions may require the use of the OOC Consent Protocol:

IC Skill Use such as First Aid, Healing, Medicine. IC performance such as IC Threats, IC Verbal Intimidation and IC Physical Intimidation. IC scenes such as IC Abduction, IC Incarceration or IC Torture

Disciplinary Policy 

The Renegade Theatre Company Disciplinary Policy is suitable for use in any non-Criminal act that breaches the Code of Conduct. Disciplinary Action can be initiated due to an IC/OOC Face to Face encounter, observed or overheard conversation or online via email or online via social media by any Individual.


The perceived severity of the infringement of the Code of Conduct will determine what Disciplinary Action is initiated according to the ‘Four Strikes Rule' with the perceived severity of the determining the ‘Strike’ called.

Renegade participants must learn to accept that breaches of the Code of Conduct will not be tolerated; regardless of the individual's OOC/IC position of authority, popularity, friendship status or; without prejudice or favoritism.

Renegade participants must also feel free to initiate disciplinary action without consideration for any financial stake; even if it means that an individual is sent home, without refund for their poor behavior. 

It is the expectation of the Renegade Community that the individual accept fair, minor OOC punishments with as little disruption as possible to the game and without abusing the individual who calls the infringement

Abuse of an individual for calling out a breach of the Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and will result in the escalation of the Disciplinary Action.

There are two separate The following, indicates the Strike 1 through Strike 4 used for breaches of the Renegade Theatre Company Code of Conduct.

Strike 1: Verbal Warning plus...

* 5 Minute FAIRIES”; or

1 hour of OOC Renegade Community Work; or

* 1 Hour OOC at the Renegade Campaign Event; or

* 1 Hour of IC/OOC Vouching;

* Escalation to Strike 2.

Strike 2: Field Investigation/Mediation by 2nd Licensee and Mandatory Reporting to Renegade Theatre Company plus...

* 5 hours of OOC Renegade Community Work; or

* 5 Hours OOC at the Renegade LARP Event; or

* 5 Hours of IC/OOC Vouching;


* Escalation to Strike 3.

Strike 3: Formal Investigation/Mediation by GPL or Renegade Campaign Event Host and Mandatory Reporting to Renegade Theatre Company plus... 

* Immediately required to leave the event or remain OOC for the remainder of the Event; plus...

* Suspension for 30 Days from all Renegade Campaign Events plus...

* 20 hours of Renegade Community Work; or

* 20 hours of IC/OOC Vouching;


Escalation to Strike 4.

Strike 4: Formal Investigation/Mediation by GPL or Renegade Campaign Event Host and Mandatory Reporting to Renegade Theatre Company plus...

* Immediately required to leave the event or remain OOC for the remainder of the Event; plus...

* Immediate Ban for 1 Year from all Renegade Campaign Events; plus... 

100 hours of Renegade Community Work; and

* 100 hours of IC/OOC Vouching;

At the discretion of Renegade Theatre Company a Strike 4 Ban may result in a Life Ban, Cancellation of License Agreements and the sharing of Disciplinary Action with associated LARP game service providers.

If; at any point during a Renegade Campaign Event; there is an an allegation of a Criminal act, all Players are encouraged to call 000 and report the incident to the Police (See Police Investigation) and complete the Mandatory Reporting procedure.

Mandatory Reporting will result in the Player's conduct and the Disciplinary Action taken being made available to Renegade Campaign Event Hosts and Game Provider Licensee for 12 Months from the time of the incident.

Those who feel that they have been the target of unfair disciplinary action may appeal to another Licensee present; or call for another Licensee to attend; then a Game Provider Licensee, Renegade Campaign Event Host, and finally Renegade Team Building; in that order. 


Renegade Campaign Additional rules

Any Renegade Licensee can Host a Renegade Campaign event; any time they want; inviting only who they want to and attending only the events that they want to; to the point that they only Role Play with people they want to. Renegade Campaign Event Hosts will be entitled to review the 12 Month Disciplinary History of those they invite to attend in order to prevent conflicts by insisting that they can attend only if "Vouched For" or; in some cases; not inviting the individual to their event. However, this "Invitation Only" concept does not entitle a Renegade Campaign Event Host to discriminate against individuals as a from of unofficial disciplinary sanction.

Players in the Renegade Campaign need to accept that they may not being invited to attend all Renegade Campaign Events and that "Invitation Only" is important to enable the Renegade Host, freedom of action. While Renegade Theatre Company hope to create a Renegade Community of working relationships; regardless of whether a Player likes everyone; Players will also need to accept that they may need to decline invitations to a few events in order to avoid some players that they don't like and cannot form working relationships with.


The Renegade Geopolitical Game; combined with the availability of many different Renegade Campaign events; combined with the option of Hosting a Renegade Campaign event; provides many ways in which an individual's Player Character can remain involved in the Renegade Campaign. Regardless of which Renegade LARP events that a Player attends; their Player Character, their IC Loot, their Character progression and the individual stories that they create will remain compatible with all other Renegade Games.

However, the complication of multiple Hosts of some Renegade Events will increase the chances that a Player will have to choose between declining the invitation or attending when there are other Players attending who a Player wouldn't ordinarily want to play with. As such; additional measures of compromise and prevention are available; should a Player request them from a Host; such as.

* Single/Mutual Avoidance during the Renegade Event

* Single/Mutual Vouching during the Renegade Event

* Single/Mutual Exclusion from the Renegade Event

Avoidance will involve the Player not engaging with the other party without a third party present.

Vouching will involve one Player taking responsibility for the prevention of Code of Conduct violations and remaining with another Player at all times

Exclusion by a Renegade Campaign Event Host will involve the Performer not being permitted to attend the Renegade Campaign Event and will require Authorization from Renegade Theatre Company Pty Ltd

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